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August 14, 2012

Secrets I Wish Parents Knew!

A New Challenge! (#Kinderblog): 
Question:  What are the secrets you wish parents knew at the start of a new school year? What things might help parents feel better about their child entering your classroom in a few days or weeks?

It's back to school in a couple of weeks and these are some secrets I wish my parents knew!

1.  I am just as anxious as you are!  I want the first day to go smoothly for your children. 
2.  Professional Development continues for me throughout the summer.  (I've followed webinars, took an e-course, tweetchats, blogs, workshops, etc.). I take my job very seriously. 
3.  Learning starts at home (talk, read, play, count with your children).
4.  Communication is crucial (don't keep important information from me, share family news, please provide me with a working phone number where I can reach you).
5.  Get involved (read our class blog, check your children's mailbag daily, volunteer, come to meet the teacher night & open houses).
6.  Follow up on my recommendations (e.g., meet a speech & language pathologist). 
7.  Learning today is different (e.g., it's not about memorizing but explaining our thinking). 
8.  Your child will have lots of fun.
9.  I will call you if your child needs you.
10.  Send your children to school every day and on time (chronic absences and lates are a huge interruption to the children's learning).
11.  Your child will develop 21st century skills (using technology to support learning, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaborating, communication etc).
12.  Play and project based learning are a way of learning in our classroom.
13.  I love my job! I want your children to succeed!
14.  I am a life long learner and I want to instill that in your children. 
15.  I am preparing your children for the real world; global collaboration, social media will be integrated into our classroom!

Welcome to Kindergarten!  It's going to be an exciting year! 


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